Enthusiast Motor Insurance

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions. Fire away, we love talking about all kinds of vehicles. But first these are questions we get all the time. For more information, please refer to our PDS.

How does a nominated driver policy work?
We know you trust the people you let drive your vehicles. That’s why our Declared Driver policy only covers the approved people who’ll get behind the wheel. It gives you a greater peace of mind and a better price.
Will we insure a modified vehicle?
Enthusiasts make everything better. So we make sure modified vehicles still get the coverage they deserve. To be covered, simply disclose all the modifications you’ve made. If they meet Australian Design Rules (ADRs) and/or the Australian Vehicle Standards Rules (AVSR) of your State or Territory of Australia, then we’re all good!
What are salvage rights?
If it’s a total loss, and it’s that precious to you, you don’t have to lose everything. If it’s over 30 years old, salvage rights are automatically included in your policy. If your vehicle is 15 years old or more, the choice is yours – salvage rights are optional. Check out the exact details in the Policy Disclosure Statement.
Who’ll handle my claim?
Real people, real Australian’s, real motor enthusiasts. They can handle any issues or claims claims via phone or email. They’re on-call Monday to Friday between 9am-5pm AEST. Or if you’re into DIY, download a claims form from our website and off you go.

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Our underwriter, Assetinsure, is one of the best in the business. They’re one of Australia’s most progressive insurers, backing good businesses across specialist classes of business including surety, financial risk, builders warranty, and (of course) motor insurance.

Legal stuff: Enthusiast Motor Insurance (Financial Services Licence No. 396716) administers this insurance on behalf of Assetinsure Pty Limited, the insurer of this product.